Spring is finally here. Luscious green leaves start to grow again on tree branches and flowers will begin to bloom, adding beautiful colours to our surroundings. Soon, trees will produce fresh and delicious fruits.

However, after the long winter months, some trees become weak from stressful weather elements and freezing temperature. When fruit trees are in their vulnerable state, they often attract pests, which can potentially cause diseases and affect the overall health of the tree.

Maintaining your fruit trees involve a lot of care, patience, and effort. You want to protect your delicious crop from an army of pests that can damage and spoil its fruits. Unfortunately, insects and bugs seem to be attracted to fruit trees when they bud. That is why it is highly crucial to take the proper steps to protect and fight fruit tree pests during the early days of spring.

Common Pests that Can Damage Fruit Trees in Spring

Here are other tree pests to watch out for this spring

While March moths usually attack trees during autumn and early winter, they emerge in early spring to ascend into the tree branches, lay eggs, and feed on blossoms, young fruits, and leaves. If not prevented, this can lead to a severe infestation, causing more damage to the tree.

Here are other tree pests to watch out for this spring:

Aphids or plant lice cause damage on your tree by consuming its leaves and stem

  • Aphids – Also called the resident “plant lice,” aphids usually feed on the leaves and stem of the tree, preventing proper absorption of nutrients and sunlight. This causes the leaves to drop off its branches prematurely.
    • Symptoms: twig dieback, leaf curling, presence of honeydew (a sugary substance produced by aphids), stunted growth, and presence of black, sooty mould
  • Cankerworms – Also known as the “hungry caterpillar,” cankerworms can deprive the tree of essential nutrients by eating away its leaves.
    • Symptoms: chewed, ragged-looking leaves that usually falls during the spring season
  • Japanese Beetle – This flying insect feeds on tree leaves. They destroy the tree by eating the whole leaf and leaving behind only the midrib and veins.
    • Symptoms: leaves chewed down to the veins, the presence of brown leaves found at the top of the tree canopy
  • Whitefly – This pest can destroy and damage the tree by sucking out the sap from new, tender tree leaves.
    • Symptoms: yellow spots on leaves, leaf curling, leaves prematurely dropping, presence of black fungus, an army of ants, and honeydew on or under the leaves
  • Bagworm – This pest is also known as the “camouflage critter” because they often go unnoticed while feeding on tree leaves. The result is only evident when the damage becomes severe.
    • Symptoms: Presence of silky webs on tree branches, chewed leaves, moderate to severe leaf loss
  • Scale – This insect is known for its waxy coating, usually brownish or whitish in colour. Scale insects are like small barnacles, which attach themselves to the tree branches and stem. While a few scales may not be considered a problem, an infestation can become so, and is challenging to resolve.
    • Symptoms: Honeydew-like substance on the upper leaf surface, slow growth due to heavy infestation, shell-like bumps on stems and underside of the leaves

Taking care of your tree as early as the first days of spring is a crucial part of ensuring good tree health. If you suspect that your tree may be affected by one of these pests, take action immediately to prevent infestation and further damage. Contact a certified tree specialist in your local area to deal and control the problem.

Protecting Your Fruit Trees from Pests

Pruning is one of the most effective methods to eliminate pests and control tree diseases

For home fruit trees, the most straightforward pest management approach starts with keeping them healthy and vigorous as it increases their ability to resist pest and disease pressures. Often, the health and vigour of deciduous fruit trees depend on good horticultural practices (planting, fertilization, pruning, irrigation, weed control, and orchard sanitation).

While some tree species requires minimal care and maintenance, many fruit trees are not carefree plants as you might wish. Pests can attack them any time of the year, affecting the quality of its fruit and the health of the tree.

Here are some tips for controlling diseases and pests this spring:

  • Pruning – Take the opportunity to assess the shape of your fruit tree while it is still bare. This allows you to detect diseased, dead, or damaged limbs easily. Cut back branches that cross over others, as well as water sprouts and suckers. Effective pruning benefits vigour by improving air circulation and opening the canopy to the sun. To prevent the disease from spreading, cleaning your pruning tools thoroughly with one part water and one part household bleach. Clean and oil tools afterward to prevent corrosion.

Control tree pests and diseases by keeping your garden clean

  • Sanitation – Many fruit tree diseases are caused by overwintered fruit known as “mummies”. These old, dried fruits remained on the tree or the ground, potentially harbouring disease-causing pests. Old leaves can shelter fungus whose overwintered spores can infect your fruit tree in spring, causing leaves to fall prematurely. This makes sanitation around the tree highly crucial. Make sure to collect and discard or burn all tree debris, including fruits, branches, and leaves.
  • Dormant Spray – Treating your fruit trees with dormant oil spray helps control overwintered pests thriving in the crevices of tree trunk and branches. Dormant spray is used to prevent spider mites and scale insects on pear and apple trees. Lime-sulphur can be used to fight pests on peaches, plum, apricot, and cherry trees. It also controls peach leaf curl and plum pocket. Avoid mixing dormant oil with lime-sulphur or other pesticides containing sulphur as this can cause injury to the plant. Make sure to read and follow the instructions on the package before using the spray on the fruit trees.

Pest control experts can get rid of the pests permanently

If disease, insects, and bugs continue to damage your fruit trees, a tree service expert can protect your trees from suffering further damage. They will inspect your fruit trees, identify the source of your concerns, and devise an appropriate and ecologically-sensitive plan to return your fruit trees to health.

If you are looking for a reputable tree service company, Dave Lund Tree Service and Forestry Co Ltd. is your go-to company for all your tree service needs. With over 40 years of experience in servicing various areas in Ontario, we have the skills and capabilities to provide you with long-term pest control solutions at competitive rates. To talk with our certified arborist in Richmond Hill, call us at (905) 884-0511 or 1-800-363-0511, and take advantage of our comprehensive package for all your needs.