Trees are like us humans that can also get wounded. And like us, if these wounds are not properly attended immediately, will have an impact on the lives. These wounds will be infested by insects and other disease-carrying pests that may result to serious injuries. There is therefore a need to treat these wounds if you want your trees to remain healthy and retain that attractive and stately appearance.

Types of Tree Wounds

Tree wounds may be indicated by any breaks in their barks that expose the inner bark or the wood to open air. Causes of wounds may range from vehicle accidents that may cause damage the bark, heavy loads on the branches by ice or other objects that may result to breakage and injuring the barks in the process, animals stripping the barks for food or shelter, and many other more.

Branch Wounds

Tree wounds may be classified into the following: branch wounds, trunks wounds, and root injuries. Branch wounds are those that appear on the branches that do not heal on its own or the healing process may be too slow. These wounds can be very critical since they are highly exposed to the elements. Open wounds in branches are the favorite entry points of insects and pests.

Trunk Wounds

Wounds in a tree’s trunk are quite common since this part is highly exposed to animals and accidents. While they may have the ability to heal on their own, still there are severe cases where healing is much delayed. Making the problem worse is the possibility of frequent recurrence of the same injury in the tree’s lifetime.

Root Wounds

Even if roots may not be visible, they can still be injured especially during construction of road, building, and other structures. In some cases these wounds would not be noticed since they will be covered by soil. Wounds in the roots are very critical considering that roots form the foundation of the tree. Allowing the injuries to continue will weaken the tree that it might be in danger of being blown during a bad storm.

Treating Tree Wounds

Since trees have the natural ability to heal by themselves, the objective in the treatment would be to make the healing process conducive. This may be done by removing all the nearby barks or wood that may interfere. Cuts within the affected areas may have to be done to facilitate the healing process. You may also want to apply medications to hasten healing or other materials to keep out the insects and pests.

Seek Assistance from Experts
Due to the numerous species of trees and severity of wounds, it might be advisable to seek assistance from the professionals. They are experienced and knowledgeable in handling these cases, that healing is greatly accelerated. They make also make suggestions on how to continue with the treatment and may offer you tips on how to prevent future injuries.