DIY Stump Removal
If you have recently cut down a tree or have had a stump in your yard for several years, they are not just going to go away on their own. Perhaps a DIY stump removal project is in your future. Often, tree stumps are supported by a hearty and prolific root system and can actually remain alive for many years after being cut down and in the case of some species actually attempt to put forth shoots and grow a new tree. So, if you want the stump gone permanently, then we will offer 5 options that you could employ as a homeowner.
The Stump Grinding Equipment
Stump grinding equipment is a massive and extremely heavy machine with a rotary cutting blade at the bottom of the apparatus that chips and cuts away at the stump wood until the stump is ground to bits. Stump grinding rental may be available in your community. The blade of the stump grinder is pressed down by the sheer weight of the grinder and can be moved by the operator until enough of the stump and root material is removed or ground down well below ground level so that the stump is no longer visible or no longer capable of coming back in the spring. The Stump grinder is the most permanent and intensive solution available. It is also highly effective at preventing grow-back.
Manual Removal
This method is the time honored and traditional method of stump removal. It harkens back to grandpa and his horse or mule that would pull the stumps by digging around and under them and chopping away any connective root pieces until the main stump and root ball of the tree is freed from the ground. Of course, most of us do not own a horse or mule these days, but you can do the same thing with a lawn tractor or pick-up truck and a chain that is used to pull and exert pressure on the stump after you dig around and under it as well as chop away the connecting roots and other materials that bind the stump to the ground. Most experts do not recommend this method anymore as it is time consuming and prone to cause accidents if you are not used to the procedure.
Herbicide and Stump Eating Chemicals
This step may take a while longer, but it is a bit less labor intensive as other methods. First you start by administering an herbicide to the stump and root area as well as to the close surroundings to the stump. This will cause the plant itself and its roots to die and dry out, which will weaken its grip on the ground and make removal easier. Second, you should drip multiple holes into the stump and pour a specially designed stump dissolving or stump eating chemical compound into the wood of the stump. These chemicals will eat away at the stump and will soften the wood making it become spongy and brittle. The brittle treated wood can be easily cut, chopped, or chipped away at until most of the stump is removed. This chemical treatment is pretty hands-free, but may need to be repeated until most of the stump crumbles and can be removed easily.
Stump Burning
Depending on where you live, stump burning may be an option. Usually, the homeowner will saturate the stump with a flammable liquid like diesel fuel or kerosene by pouring a bit onto the stump surface for several days. The flammable liquid will permeate the wood and make it easier to burn the wood later. After taking care to light the stump safely, the stump may smolder and burn slowly for several days. Make sure that all loose wood debris and other flammable wood pulp materials are clear from the immediate stump area so that an uncontrolled fire is not started. Check the burning stump regularly and make sure that it is burning slowly and safely.
Hire a Professional
Of course, if you are not willing to put in the time to treat your stump with chemical, do not have the strength or tools to hack away at it for weeks until its gone. Or perhaps, grandpa’s mule is on the fritz and can’t pull the stump for you. The best alternative is to hire a professional to remove it for you. They will, of course, they come when you call them, handle the job, and clean up any debris and cover up the hole with soil. Some services will even reseed the spot with grass seed or cover it with a few squares of sod making the spot invisible. If you are interested in hiring a professional to complete the job for you at a reasonable price, you should check with Dave Lund Tree Service and Forestry Co Ltd to find out information about your stump grinding rental. By calling us at our toll free number 1-800-363-0511.