There is a major difference between the idea of something and the reality of it. A lot of us love the idea of something new whether it is getting married, a new car, or owning a new home. However, there is an essential truth that is seldom taught anymore and that is once you commit to the new idea, whatever it is, you must now do the work to maintain it so it works the way it should. If we do not do the work of maintaining the new thing, it will fall apart.
This truth directly applies to hedge maintenance. Meaning, there is a science and art to the how and why of trimming hedge. Perhaps you bought your new home and it already came with hedges, or maybe you planted them yourself. There is an environmental benefit of having hedges such as decreased soil erosion. If they are taken care of the correct way then you can also have the emotional benefit of them looking nice. This can be for your benefit now, and perhaps a future benefit if you ever decide to sell your home; it will have curb-appeal.
How should you do hedge maintenance? When should you do it? These questions are answered by figuring out the desired goal. Do you want a formal look where everything is crisp and tight? Perhaps you prefer the informal relaxed feel better? Maybe you have some low hedges just to provide a boundary for your garden. As the old proverb goes, “start with the end in mind”; meaning, see the end vision then begin the work.
There is a law of cause & effect; also known as sowing & reaping. An action or non-action leads to a result. If we want the positive result, then we need to do the required work needed. If we neglect the needed work, then the negative consequence will happen by default. Possible negative effects are increased chance of insects or disease per not having enough fresh air and light and unwanted shade in areas by them being overgrown. Is it possible to go overboard in this to the point of bad? Yes, some people end up mutilating their hedges that ends up costing them more time and money to fix later on.
So, you see the need for maintaining your hedges, but you do not want to do the work yourself. What criteria should you use when determining who to hire for this work? Here are some basic questions to answer: How many services are they good at; are they certified; are they insured. Davelund Tree Services has been proudly serving its customers for 30+ years; we do residential, commercial, and industrial work; we are ISA Certified Arborists; we are properly insured; we also provide a full package of services like tree pruning or removal or even pest control. We would be a wise investment of time and money regarding trimming hedge.