The debate about the impact of climate change is one that keeps raging on as people become more aware of the consequences that the phenomenon brings. With outcomes such as increased temperatures, high precipitation levels, longer dry and hot seasons, it becomes necessary to evaluate the effects that climate change has on forestry, especially with the significance that trees carry.

Increased CO2

The Need-to-Know about Climate Change Impact on Trees

Increased levels of carbon dioxide contribute to the growth of trees; and therefore, denser forestry. Plants require CO2 for the photosynthesis process, so the high levels resulting from climate change that is combined with fertile soils and appropriate water amount will increase the productivity of trees. However, in areas where soils are not fertile enough, or there isn’t enough water, higher levels of CO2 will not promote productivity.

Shifting Habitats

Steps on how to Revive a Dying Tree

Higher temperature levels are a common result of environmental changes, and they can have adverse effects on the growth of trees. For one, warmer temperatures in some areas will cause geographical shifts for some species of trees, thus, making it difficult for them to grow in their habitats, which poses a significant risk for local and regional trees. Alternatively, habitats may move to areas with higher altitudes to provide cooler climates for specific tree species.

Forest Fires

The Need-to-Know about Climate Change Impact on Trees

Hotter climates also pose the threat of forest fires as evaporation rates increase. Projections indicate that forest fires will be more frequent, intense, and widespread due to the environmental changes. In Canada, the rate of forest fires has already increased over the last 20 -40 years.

Tree line Elevation


Another predicted impact of climate change is on tree lines, especially alpines. Trees that rely on cool temperatures for survival will suffer if global temperatures keep rising because the tree line elevation will be forced to move northwards. The further this tree line moves, the smaller the alpine habitat gets, meaning that some species will become extinct.

Severe Droughts

The Need-to-Know about Climate Change Impact on Trees

Climate change comes with a risk of more severe droughts in the future as higher temperatures mess with the snow melting process, consequently impacting the availability of water. Granted that some trees can survive in harsh conditions, the changes in environmental temperatures still reduce their chances of survival.


The Need-to-Know about Climate Change Impact on Trees

Increased temperatures are expected to impact the rate of infestation with some pests migrating and others achieving a higher survival rate. In Canada, for example, the warm winters that our country experienced in the 1960s led to an increased rate of pine beetles that ravaged over 1.3 million hectares of forest. British Columbia lost over 50% of its pine timber population. Insects and pests that favor lower temperatures will migrate northwards to avoid the heat, which is a phenomenon that will contribute to the spread of infestations.

The care of trees is essential to curb some of these adverse effects. Services such as tree spraying, pest control, and tree pruning contribute to the maintenance process. Trust Dave Lund Tree Service and Forestry Co. to provide these services. You can call us on (905) 884-0511.