Figs are not only delicious and nutritious. They can be used to make a variety of tasty treats and are a great addition to entrees. Figs are versatile and the trees are very lovely. This tasty fruit has been adored since ancient times. The unique texture and sweet flavour make it one of the most prized fruits that can be grown by a novice. A fig tree is something that you can treasure for years. When the tree bears marvelous fruit, you will be excited by just how delicious and enjoyable it is.

It might be a surprise to know that fig trees can grow quite well in Canada. However, there are a few things that can be done to help coax them to thrive and survive the long cold winters in our northern climate.

Fig-tastic! How to Grow Fig Trees In Canada

The main things that you need to provide for the trees to grow are an adequate amount of warmth and plenty of sunshine. You may have to help in this department by growing them in planters so they can be moved into a warmer area when the temperatures plummet. You may also need to invest in some UV lamps to provide that extra bit of artificial sunlight. You want to avoid the trees going dormant; they’ll have trouble prospering later during the warm season.

When you plant your fig trees, prepare the soil using bone meal. Be sure to use dark-coloured planters for your trees. Keep in mind that they can grow fairly large, so prepare to transplant them larger planters as they get bigger. Also, keep the tree moist and remember to water at least once per week. If they get dry they can start to wither and possibly die.

Fig-tastic! How to Grow Fig Trees In Canada

With a bit of care and attention, you can grow wonderfully delicious figs, despite the cold Canadian winters. For great results with your fig trees, call our professionals at Dave Lund Tree Service & Forestry Co Ltd. We’re happy to come out and discuss the care of your fig trees and provide a helping hand with the care of your trees: (905) 884-0511.