Unkempt hedges can make your home or property look less attractive. Hedges, like any other plant, need attention and care. However, without proper knowledge about watering and pruning, your shrubs will be lacklustre.
Shearing instead of Pruning
Proper pruning allows light and air to penetrate the hedge, easing removal of branches. People often mistakenly shear the hedge, rather than hand pruning. This leads to the hedge overgrowing, which makes it look lifeless. Use a hand pruner tool to cut and create space throughout the hedge.
If a hedge is overgrown and is old, you can remove a third of the thickest stems from the base. This will stimulate new growth. You can repeat the process year after year to ensure that you eventually get a new-looking and healthy hedge.
Poor Pruning Season
Hedges should are best pruned during the last phases of the winter season. This is when the plants are dormant and have not produced any buds. It may take a little time before the hedge fills out, but it will look great one full summer hits. If you’re handling flowering hedges, wait until the bloom is brown before pruning. This helps the plant to grow new and healthy buds for the next cycle.
Too Much Space
Some hedges have too much space between the plants. When first planting a hedge, choose plants that are appropriate for this kind of growth. Before planting, consider how wide and high you want your hedge to be. Ideally, a hedge’s width should be around three feet, and the height at eye level. Consult with a gardening centre or nursery to select the proper plants for this project.
Failure to Shape
By failing to prune regularly, hedges will begin to grow wider at the top which will result in the formation of a V shape. This is because the sunlight cannot penetrate all the way through to the base of the plants. A well-maintained hedge plant is usually wider at the bottom than the top.
To keep hedges looking good, get the right information and tools. Dave Lund Tree Service & Forestry Co Ltd, is available to advise you on how best to treat your hedges, and we can come out to teach you how to properly maintain these beautiful boundaries on your property: 1-800-363-0511.