A fruit tree might sound like the perfect idea for a backyard. But there are several reasons why growing fruit outside your home might be ill advised. Here are some common questions to determine if planting a fruit-bearing tree is for you.
Is there enough room?
Fruit trees can grow to be very large so if you do not have a big backyard with a lot of square footage, it is probably not a good idea to try to plant a fruit tree there. As a compromise, you might be able to purchase a mini tree that can grow in a container.
Am I attracting pests?
If a fruit tree is attracting insects or other pests constant pruning will be necessary. You will also need to remove any damaged fruit so pests or diseases do not spread to other parts of the tree and fruit. Also, avoid over watering fruit trees.
Do I have the time and resources?
Again, pruning is important, but it takes time. If you don’t have the tools or the time to do this, consider hiring tree specialists. You will also have to pick the fruit so it is not wasted and pests do not feed on it. Some volunteer organizations will come and pick fruit for you, but you still have to make the phone call.
If you’re convinced that a fruit-bearing tree is needed for your garden, call Dave Lund Tree Service at (905) 884-0511 for advice.