Fruit-Bearing Trees May Not Be the Best Backyard Idea
A fruit tree might sound like the perfect idea for a backyard. But there are several reasons why growing fruit […]
Plant A Tree “DIY Style”
If considering planting a tree on your property there are some things you will need to know. A fun part of the process is deciding […]
Tree Health: The Root of the Issue
Every time you admire a tree it is not likely you thought about its roots. However, healthy trees only exist with a […]
Recognize Fungal Diseases in Your Trees and Plants
It’s said that more than 80% of plant diseases are caused by fungus. Fungi make up one of […]
Three Reasons Why Trees Need Aeration
Compacted soil around the base of a tree is the leading cause of stunted growth and/or death of a tree. The hardened soil […]
Tips to Prevent Sunscald
What is Sunscald?
Sunscald can occur when the bark of a tree warms in the sun and dormant bark cells suddenly become active. When temperatures […]
Tree Essentials: Reasons You Should Prune Now
Tree pruning is essential for the promotion of tree health. Letting trees become overgrown is not only unattractive, but can […]
Pest Busting
People plant trees for different reasons; perhaps you want foliage for appearance, shade, or to grow fruit. All trees require maintenance, not just water and […]
Homeowners: Six Sensible Reasons for Surrounding Shrubs
A variety of shrubs surrounding a home can make the area beautiful. One lovely feature for many shrubs is they […]
Determining If A Favourite Old Tree Should Be Removed
For many of us, a tree can have the same sentimental value as a pet or family heirloom. The longevity of […]