The Problem With Trees
If you are a homeowner, it is very likely that your property has trees on it, depending on where you live you might even have a lot of trees. As general rule trees are a blessing. They are beautiful to look at, they can keep the temperatures down both outside and inside your home, and they can even be used for windbreaks and screening. Trees also come in two major varieties deciduous and coniferous. Deciduous trees are broad-leafed trees. Elm and maple trees are two varieties of deciduous trees. Coniferous trees are cone-bearing trees. They are also mostly evergreen trees as their needles do not fall off in the winter months. Spruce and Pine are two types of coniferous tree. All trees also come in a variety of shapes and sizes but depending on where you live they can also be very large indeed. Because of this, the next question might be what can I do to protect my tree? This is a very common question, especially if one of your trees has grown into a shape where it can’t support its own weight. Multi-trunk trees and trees with open canopies are especially prone to this particular problem. The thing to remember about protecting your trees is if you have a problem and the problem is not adequately addressed it could result in damage to property and even injury and damage to the health of your tree.
Problem Solved
An excellent way to solve many common tree problems is with the use of cables and bracing rods to help redistribute a tree’s weight to take the strain off of the tree’s structure. In severe cases, a combination of these two methods can actually halt and even reverse splitting limbs and trunks. However, if you have this problem and have had no experience in the use of cabling and bracing you might want to consider the services of a professional arborist first. You might decide to leap in and try it yourself but be forewarned, if you do, you do run the risk of making your problem even worse.
Multi-Trunk Trees
Because of their nature, multi-trunk trees are subject to additional strain that could cause potential failure. Trees of this type will also compete for canopy room as the limbs and foliage grow away from the trunks center. This factor plus the trees competition for root space can eventually cause limbs and leaves to grow away from the center of the tree placing an additional load on one side of the tree’s trunk. This factor alone can result in the complete failure of a multi-trunk tree. This type of problem may be repaired with cabling or bracing but again, a certified arborist will be your best bet in determining the optimum arrangement to use to completely repair your multi-trunk tree.
Splitting And Cracking
Narrow angles on tree branch attachments bear close inspection as they may be prone to splitting. This splitting and cracking can also be the result of excess stress or even storm damage. If you find a split or crack immediately address it to prevent a complete failure. You may also enlist the use of selective pruning and trimming to help redistribute the weight and balance of the tree.
In Canada for a free professional assessment please call Dave Lund Tree Service and Forestry Co Ltd. at 800-363-0511 or 905-884-0511