Trees are very important in the environment so it is the owner’s responsibility to take good care of the trees that have sprouted in their front or back yards. Although these trees don’t need daily attention since they have grew naturally through the ecosystem process, these trees still need to be checked from any major changes that becomes visible. These changes include the leaves – they fall even if it’s not yet spring season, the trunks have visible holes and if the trees are showing weak branches. These changes are majorly caused by pests that live in these trees.

Some of the common tree pests are the white flies, aphids, thrips and scales. White flies are small winged insects. They attack leaves so if you see the leaves turning brown, then it might have been manifested by these white flies. Aphids on the other hand are insects with a match-head size or pinhead. They often attack shoots, buds and leaves by sucking the juices. Worst scenario is that they can also transmit viral diseases. Thrips are microscopic pests that feed through rasping of soft flowers or leaf tissue and sucking of juices. They can also transmit plant diseases. Scales are similar with how aphids infect plants.

These pests can bring communicable diseases such as anthracnose – this happens when visible brown spots appear to the leaves, fireblight – attacks the rose family, and oak root fungus – gradually destroys trees and rotting their roots. There are other diseases that might affect your trees when exposed to these pests so it is really advisable that you are able to protect your plant from these harmful pests. A plant spray can do the trick but still hiring a professional pest controller is advisable especially if you have a wide garden in your place.