Never in the history of mankind has trees been given the highest importance by society. This is only proper and fitting considering the immense value trees offer to everyone and most especially to our planet earth. It is not actually an overstatement when we say that our existence may be dependent on trees. There are so many benefits that can be derived from trees, which may include the following:
Cleanse the Air
It cannot be denied that pollution has become unabated with the rapid advances in our civilization. Its harmful impact has been substantiated not just by theories but actual incidents. Trees are very vital in addressing this huge problem since these wonderful living things help in absorbing harmful gases and odors. Through the leaves and barks, trees are able to filter dangerous particles which can cause injuries to human beings.
Help in Supplying Oxygen
With the ever-increasing population, the need for oxygen has been a very critical concern. This problem may have worsened as a result of the damage to our environment. Trees have become very valuable in addressing this problem since it has been shown that an acre of trees may be able to supply oxygen to as many as 18 people.
Aid in Addressing Global Warming
Global warming with its dreadful effects has become a household word which only shows how real this problem is. Scientists and concerned sectors have been toiling to come up with solutions to this world-wide problem. It is very heartening to note that trees can play a vital role in dealing with this problem. This becomes possible with the ability of trees to absorb the harmful carbon dioxide, a gas that contributes to global warming.
Generate Economic Benefits
What has been good for the health and environment have resulted to more economic opportunities for more people. Fruit consumption has continued to increase allowing it to create more jobs for people in orchards and encouraging others to invest in this type of endeavor. The pressing issue on our environment that has trees play a vital role have expanded livelihood in green waste management and landscaping.
Enhance Real Estate Value
Studies have shown that real estate properties that are planted with trees may increase their value by at least 15 percent. And this is understandable since trees enhance the beauty of the property as well as providing environmental, health, and safety benefits. Trees offer shade that protects harmful effects from the sun and other elements.
Long List of Benefits
These are just some of the benefits we may derive from trees. The list of benefits can really be long and extending to environmental, economic, health, and other aspects. Trees play a big role in the conservation of energy and water, prevention of soil erosion and water pollution, providing shelter to people and animals, enhancing beauty of our surroundings, and many other benefits