People plant trees for different reasons; perhaps you want foliage for appearance, shade, or to grow fruit. All trees require maintenance, not just water and the occasional trim/pruning. Rarely do people think of spraying their trees with insecticides. However, when you have a pest or bug infestation, calling a professional tree company in Richmond Hill might save your investment.
Not Just for Fruit
While it’s true that fruit bearing trees often need spraying to produce edible fruit, many everyday trees thrive with some insecticide. Tree spraying is not only about keeping away critters that eat fruit; it also gets rid of problems that can damage foliage and bark or destroy the tree.
Spraying Is a Skill
There is an art to spraying trees correctly. If you do not know exactly how to do it yourself, it’s better to seek professional help. Otherwise, you could damage your tree. It gets more complicated; each tree type requires a different amount of spraying throughout the year.
Fruit bearing trees (such as apples and pears) invite bugs that like to feast on fruit. Peaches, on the other hand, may suffer attacks from scaled insects, mites, and aphids. In both cases, the timing of tree spraying is very important. Generally, the first spray is done soon after flowers appear, then again a few weeks after that. Another two coats are applied in summer.
The products that are used are equally important, especially if you’re looking to be environmentally-friendly. There is a wide choice of pesticides including natural and artificial products. For proper tree spraying techniques and timing, give us a call at Dave Lund Tree Service. We’ll take care of those critters for you. (905) 884-0511