maple tree

Trees are interesting living organisms that are as fascinating as they are beautiful. For one, they can grow in their natural habitat without any help from you or a professional tree specialist. The issue is many of the trees around homes are not in their natural habitat, not to mention people do not let nature take its course. The leaves that trees shed serve as fertilizer, but no homeowner wants their yard filled with decomposing leaves. This is what makes root feeding important, and this article will help you learn more about it.

Why is Root Feeding Important?

Root feeding does a lot for your trees, such as provide minerals so they can grow and stay strong. Feeding your trees also ensures that they will not get desperate. Desperation usually leads to rapid and erratic root growth, which could put your home, plumbing, and foundation in jeopardy. This is just part of the reason why a good tree service in Bradford is important to a homeowner.

Feeding the roots of your trees also helps control the overall structure of the soil, making sure it is absorbent, which is needed for proper moisture levels. Feeding your trees also ensures that they are strong enough to fight off pests, diseases, and other ailments that could threaten the tree’s life.

bradford root feeding and aerating - cabling and bracing newmarket - Dave Lund Tree Service and Forestry Co Ltd.

How Tree Feeding is Performed

Feeding the roots of your trees is something that needs a little planning. For one, it is important to feed them around the fall or sometime in the spring. Fertilization in the summer could be done as long as nitrogen is reduced. Too much nitrogen might damage the tree during the winter.

The feeding process starts by finding the roots, which are usually outside the radius of the tree’s branches. Your tree specialist will then inject a fertilizer and water mixture under high pressure into the soil. The depth is about 2 to 18 inches, which is usually enough to ensure the fertilizer makes it to the roots. Your tree service specialist will inject fertilizer around each root zone using the 3 by 3 grid pattern to surround your tree with all it might need.

Root feeding needs to be this precise because the grass on your yard is also fighting for a little food. It is definitely not the kind of job that you can undertake without expertise.

So do not delay, and give the experts at Dave Lund Tree Service and Forestry Co Ltd. a call at 1-800-363-0511. Give us a chance to wow you with some of our offers and services. We will give your tree what it needs so it can continue to grow strong and beautify your yard.