Arborists are a special breed of people. Experts in the field of trees, these specialists are essential ingredients for the sustainability and health of a community. Trees are used for many purposes, to shade, to cool, to block and absorb sounds, to hide from public view, to enhance the aesthetics of a given property, etc. Arborists help communities by examining existing trees, pruning or removing diseased or damaged trees, and by recommending new trees for the area affected.

Trees are one of the main producers of oxygen on Earth, and one of the primary absorbers of CO2. It is the removal of trees from vast terrains of rain forest that is cited as one of the principle reasons for global warming. Hence, the importance of growing and maintaining trees within communities.

Use Experts When Removing Trees

There are appropriate times when trees must be removed. Trees have a shelf-life. The most valid reason for removing a tree is when it has reached the furthest possibility of growth and has begun to wither and die. These trees become a hazard to structures that they may be close to and to people that are in the area. Such trees must be removed for the betterment of the community. Arborists are trained in the removal of dead and dying trees. Often mature trees become brittle and break in unlooked-for places. An average landowner should never attempt the removal of mature trees; the dangers are immense.

Another time when trees must be removed was when they were planted too close to a structure or when a structure is raised too close to an existing tree. In this case, it is wisest to remove the tree and plant another in the general area. It becomes essential to safeguard the structure by using a trained arborist. Otherwise, the risk to the structure and the personnel performing the removal is too great.

Often, trees need to be removed to make room for new construction. A trained arborist will not only remove the trees but will also take into consideration the nature of the construction and recommend what types of trees to use for a new planting.

Lately, as communities have begun to mature, storm damage has been a major cause for tree removal. Greatly damaged trees are no longer sustainable regardless of the care taken in the attempt to revive them. Removal of a tree makes room for a new tree.

Why Trees are removed?

In Canada’s York Region, we at the Dave Lund Tree Service and Forestry Co. provides all these services and more. Trees are often a part of a family that is growing with it. Our company performs a variety of tree services such as: pruning, pest control, root feeding, and (if necessary) tree and stump removal. We care for trees leads to help maintain a healthier and more aesthetic environment.