Pruning is essential to keeping trees healthy, growing well, and producing flowers and fruit. There are specific reasons to prune, and certain seasons are best for pruning.
Pruning Prevents Insects and Rot
Cutting out dead and diseased branches from your trees prevents rot and insect infestation. Healthy limbs and branches are much less susceptible to these threats. Removing unhealthy material will improve your tree’s ability to grow and prosper.
Pruning to Thin Foliage
Excess foliage on your tree can cause branches to rub against each other. This can cause damage leading to rot and similar unhealthy conditions. When foliage is too thick, the tree suffers with less sunlight and airflow passing between the branches. Pruning makes room, providing healthy branches what they need to stay strong. Doing this also promotes the overall health of the tree.
Times to Prune
When you have dead or diseased branches on a tree, they pose a threat to the tree. Remove them as soon as possible, in any season. Seasonal tree pruning is best done toward the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Trees begin “branching out” and growing season during this time, so a tree will benefit from the removal of extra material. Pruning old and less healthy branches allows the tree to focus its energy on growing, rather than on sustaining weaker branches.
Proper pruning is essential to the health and longevity of the tree. Tree care experts know how best to prune trees and improve their well-being. Incorrect pruning techniques can damage or kill a tree. Hire a company with experience and professional certifications.
The tree experts at Dave Lund Tree Service can handle your pruning needs. Call us today at (905) 884-0511 or 1-800-363-0511 in Richmond Hill or (905) 775-1020 in Bradford. Keep your trees doing well through every season.